with only his faithful dog Cosmo
to share in his terror...
Anyhow, what's
wrong with being a girl?
Then they'd really
beat you up at school...
Ginger wouldn't. He only beats up boys.
Who's Ginger?
Oh, he's a mean kid.
He says he's gonna beat me up
one of these days.
Dunno. Just says he's gonna
bash my head in one of these days.
Oh yeah?
Uh-huh, he said so.
He's that one.
You lay one finger on my brother
and I'll rip your fucking legs off. Got it?
He won't bother you again.
Hunt's pride was short-lived,
for now a new horror presented itself.
Six huge tendrils moved toward him,
weaving their bloated heads
through the silent cabin
like a giant octopus.
Hunt backed up
against the air-lock door,
his hand groping for the lever.
The closest tendril was now
only a few feet from his face,
and it could surely stretch no further.
Suddenly the tip began to expand,
disclosing a slimy finger
that wormed its way toward him.
His own fingers locked
around the lever of the air-tight door.
One heave, one super-human thrust,
and the next moment he was free,
swimming weightless
in the dark sanctuary of space...