It incIudes a bonus scheduIe,
a Iow-interest mortgage
so you can buy a home,
country cIub membership,
and we`II Iease you
a new Mercedes.
You pick the coIour, Mitch.
Lamar, you haven`t
been paying attention.
His wife picks the coIour.
- Do I...do I open it here?
- Of course.
UnIess you can teII us
what`s in it.
A Iawyer worth that offer
shouIdn`t have
to open the enveIope.
Mr McKnight,
you are the managing partner
at Bendini, Lambert & Locke?
Did Mr Lambert as senior partner
give you instructions
regarding my empIoyment?
He did.
Mr McKnight, do you foIIow
Mr Lambert`s instructions?
Objection - vague, ambiguous.
What preciseIy
were those instructions?
That you were in great demand
and I shouId make certain
that we obtain your serwices
before a bidding
situation deveIoped.
How did you go about
making certain?
I bribed a cIerk in
the Harward Law pIacement office
for the exact amount
of the highest offer
and then added 20%.
Mitch, the Ietter you got
from Bendini, Lambert & Locke
was the onIy one sent out.
We want you.