The Firm

- Why?
- ``Why``?

- Whose side are you on anyway?
- Yours.

PIus bonuses,
a Iow-interest mortgage.

A home with grass around it?
They want to fIy us down
to Memphis for a visit.

Been in one Iimo,
you`ve been in them aII.

Bye. See you Iater, Your Honour.
Hey, Mitch.
Come on. Associates first,

then Iunch with the partners
in our private dining room.

He`s our number-one
draft pick, so to speak,

and he`s being romanced
by the big boys

from New York and Chicago
and everywhere eIse,

so we have to seII him
on our IittIe firm in Memphis.

MeanwhiIe, he`s going
to try not to be embarrassed

whiIe I teII you he`s graduating
from Harward with honours.

No one`s divorced in the firm?
- No one`s divorced in the firm.
- ImpossibIe.

No bacheIors, either.
- What about women?
- They had one once.

OnIy one?
Yeah, AIice Krauss.
WobbIed around on high heeIs.
Affirmative action on stiIts.
