The wives had
Iong tan Iegs, too.
EIIis, another martini, pIease.
So we`re not
a coupIe of ideaIists?
Heaven forbid.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I`II Iet Mrs Quinn
know you`re here.
- Are you sure it`s today?
- That`s what he toId me.
There`s been...
Marty Kozinski
and Joe Hodges were kiIIed.
We just got word
about 20 minutes ago.
Did you meet them
at the barbecue?
- What happened, Kay?
- We`re not sure.
They were diving off a boat
on Grand Cayman,
and then there was some kind
of expIosion on the boat.
Marty was...
His twin girIs are
a month oIder than our son.
I`m very sorry, Lamar.
By the way...
OIiver wanted me to teII you...
You shouIdn`t be burdened
with a student Ioan.
Excuse me?
If you bring
the papers by tomorrow,