The Firm

and of the HoIy Spirit, amen.
Let us pray.
Lord, our God,
you are aIways faithfuI

and quick to show mercy.
Our brother Marty was suddenIy
and vioIentIy taken from us.

Come swiftIy to his aid.
Have mercy on him and comfort
his famiIy and friends

by the power and protection
of the cross.

We ask this
through Christ, our Lord.

Let us go
in the peace of Christ.

I`m just going
to say goodbye to OIiver.

I`II catch up with you.
Mrs McDeere. I`m Avery ToIar.
You`re the reason I see so
IittIe of my husband these days.

He must be the most ambitious
man in the worId.

One of them.
I mean...Ieaving you every day
just to go off to work.

- I`m sure you couId manage.
- Just teII me how.

Did you know them weII,
the men who died?

You must be overwheImed
with grief.

PeopIe grieve in different ways,
Mrs McDeere.
