The Firm

Just foIIow me
and don`t over breathe.

What about Sonny Capps?
Aren`t we under pressure?

Tremendous pressure. If we
don`t dive before the bank,

we can`t do it.
You can`t dive
and then fIy within 24 hours.

How can you dive
so soon after the accident?

We don`t know what happened
to Kozinski and Hodges.

There was a pIane crash
Iast week.

We didn`t take a boat
to the Caymans, did we?

That`s ridicuIous. Let us
sit down for five minutes.

Thank you.
Son of a bitch pays Iess than %%
tax and wants to fire us.

The Hyatt.
This new pIan
is very aggressive,

and it defers aII your
tax IiabiIity for years.

You couId start right away.
I`m sorry, sweetheart.
I can`t taIk right now.

These taxes
are onIy deferred, right?

The future tax vaIue is Iess
than haIf their present vaIue.

- Who says?
- After the eIection...

Are you teIIing me who`s going
to be president next?

That wouId be
vaIuabIe information.

Mr ToIar has a pIan that...
that meets aII your needs,
whoever`s in the White House.

- Let him teII me.
- He`s trying to.

- Are you his Iawyer or mine?
- Neither one, sir.

- Why the fuck are you here?
- Sonny...

You`re not the firm`s
onIy concern here.

We put you into deaIs
with other cIients

who may be sensitive about
exposing their reIationships

to outside attorneys.
You hear that, counseIIor?
That`s a veiIed threat.

If you`re taIking
about our friends in Chicago,

they don`t make money
when I pay you fees. You do.

They make money
being in business with me.

As Iong as
they`re making money,

they don`t care
who does my taxes.

You don`t know me.
I`m a nice guy.

Lose me a miIIion bucks,
I won`t break your Ieg.

Let`s not get carried away.

What did I say?
