The Firm

Ever pIug one of these in, and
forgot to put the water in?

- You know what happens?
- No.

The Iights go out.
He`s been dying to see you.
- Tammy!
- Mr Lomax wiII see you now.

Mitch McDeere. I practicaIIy
went to Iaw schooI with you.

Ray taIked about you every day
for three years.

I was his ceIImate. Did he
teII you it was statutory rape?

She was 17, Iooked 2%.
I got one to four.
Sit down. Come on, sit down.

Want some Sweet `n`Low?
Dairy cream?

No. I...
I`ve got some business
I`d Iike to go over with you.

- I`m Ieavin`.
- Thank you, dear.

That`s my secretary.
She is terrific.

Her husband`s a nut case.
He`s a truck driver.

He moved here
to be cIose to GraceIand.

He thinks he`s EIvis.
His name is EIvis.
EIvis Aaron HemphiII.

I`ve run across
some strange things,

some things I wouId never
spray-paint on an overpass.

Now... What can I do for you?
- What a nice surprise.
- Avery.

They didn`t have to disturb you.
- BeIieve me, it`s no bother.
- I was just Iooking for Mitch.

Nina says he hasn`t been in
aII afternoon.

I didn`t mean
for her to caII you.

Didn`t he come back with you?
I`II be honest with you.
This is not my area
of expertise.

But you think it`s possibIe.
Anything`s possibIe.
I`II teII you one thing.

If those guys were feds,
you better watch out.

They don`t
give a damn about you.

I get some pretty pissed-off
husbands in here.

On the other hand,
the Iawyers at your firm sure
as heII seem accident-prone.
