Who hired you to do that?
Just Iet me think.
His name...
Was JuIio IgIesias.
No! No!
Just great.
You want to ask him
a few questions now?
This is
a carefuIIy baIanced proposaI.
I think it`s high-minded,
but I think it`s fair-minded.
In other words, it`s got
something to offend everyone.
If you want to foIIow aIong,
we`II begin on page ``I.``
We`II review sections 704-B
of the IRS code of 186...
``..with partners` interests
in the partnership -
``unIess those aIIocations
satisfy the economic effect
``most easiIy satisfied
by taking advantage
``of the safe harbour provisions
set forth therein.``
So, in an ever-changing sea
of tax Iaw...
Watch your step, pIease.