Only one kind of daughter
could live in this house:
- obedient kind.
- Then I wish I wasn't your daughter!
I wish you weren't my mom!
Too late to change this.
That's when I remembered
what we could never talk about.
Then I wish I were dead...
like them, the babies
that you killed in China!
My mother had once told me
this strange story...
what happened
to her in China.
She said she was going to Chungking
to meet the man who was her husband.
That was the first time I ever heard
she was married before my father.
She barely had time to grab
her babies, twin girls.
That was the first time
I heard she had other babies.
I always try to picture
in my mind what really happened...
but she would never explain.
She would only say by the time
she reached Chungking...
she had lost everything.
And I said,
"Wait, what do you mean 'everything'?
What happened
to those babies?"
There were so many things about
my mother I never understood.
This is the only one
I never forgave.
The babies.
You know?
Two babies?
The babies? We all thought
that the babies had died.
- But last month at a church picnic--
- You know...
two babies your mother leave
on the roadside, in wartime?
It's miracle,
but we find them.
Yes! Can you imagine?
They still alive!
What are you saying?
They're alive?