So my mom sees this mirror
at the foot of our bed.
And she says, "Ai-ya,
a mirror there is bad luck.
All the romance will hit the mirror,
poom, go back the opposite direction."
- So what'd you do?
- We moved it.
Yeah, put that baby
right on the ceiling.
- Waverly loves it.
- So I've heard.
Yeah, well, this guy
will do anything for her.
- But they're allies. But now
it's getting out of hand...
- Ah.
because after the party,
we're going to Lake Tahoe...
-and he actually asked her to come with us.
- Come on, she'd have a great time!
- What are you, nuts?
Well, choosing between the two of us,
I'd rather I had the great time, okay?
- You'll have a good time.
- Easy, cowboy.
- Oh.
Ah, ah, ah, save some
room for dessert.
My mom's cake is coming out, and I'm
counting on you guys for two slices apiece.
- She'll eat five.
- Ten.
Uh, do I have to use chopsticks?
Because it could take a while.
- Where's Jennifer?
- Oh, her Auntie June
is putting her down for a nap.
- Oh, I'll go check on her.
- Oh, yeah.
And now the woman was old.
And she had a daughter who
grew up speaking only...
English and swallowing
more Coca-Cola than sorrow.
- What's "sorrow"?
- Sadness.
For a long time now, the woman
wanted to give her daughter...
the single swan feather
and tell her--
Is the swan real?
Is there really a swan?
I don't know, baby.
It's my mama's story..
And we can't ask her
'cause she's dead.
And the woman would
tell her daughter...
"This feather
may look worthless...
but it comes from afar and carries with it
all my good intentions."
- What's "intentions"?
- Oh, a good intention means...