I fear I may have been a little
unwelcoming, even a little short.
You presented the best references
I've ever seen.
Which proved to be well-deserved.
Though, I confess, I did have my
doubts, on account of your youth.
No gentleman callers allowed,
of course.
Forgive my mentioning it, but we've
had those problems before.
Inside the house too.
The previous housekeeper ran off
with the under-butler.
If two staff members decide to get
married, one can say nothing.
What I find a major irritation...
...are those persons who go from
post to post looking for romance.
Housekeepers are particularly
guilty here.
-No offense intended, of course.
-None taken.
I know how a house is at sixes and
sevens once the staff start marrying.
Yes, indeed.
-Might I have a word, sir?
-Of course.
My lord, it's regarding
the under-butler...
...and the housekeeper
who ran off last month.
Bad business.
How are you managing?
I've found two
first-rate replacements.
Miss Kenton, a young woman
with excellent references.
Very pleasing demeanour.
Appears to be very able.
And a man with
considerable experience.
-Older and happy to be under-butler.
Stevens, sir.
-Yes, sir.
-That's your name.
-He's my father, sir.
Couldn't do better.
I'd like to see him sometime.
He's outside the door.
Good. Bring him in.
Thank you, my lord.