There's to be a very important
conference in this house next week.
People of great stature will be
His Lordship's guests.
We must all put our best foot forward.
Because of Father's recent accident...
...it has been suggested that you
no longer wait at table.
I've waited at table every day...
...for the last 54 years.
It has also been decided that you
should no longer carry heavy trays.
Now, here's a revised list
of your duties.
Look, I fell...
...because of those paving stones.
They're crooked.
Why don't you get them put right
before someone else falls?
You will read the revised list
of your duties.
Get those stones put right.
You don't want those "gentlemen of
stature" breaking their necks.
No, indeed, I don't.
What is it?
You have what we can call
a roving commission.
In other words, you can exercise
your own judgment...
...within certain limits, of course.