I loved her once.
The love went out of me
when I found her carrying on.
A good son.
Proud of you.
I hope I've been a good father.
I tried me best.
You better get down there...
...or heaven only knows
what they'll be up to.
Go on.
Go on!
We'll talk in the morning.
On the last day of our conference...
...permit me to say
how impressed I have been...
...with the spirit of goodwill
that has prevailed.
Goodwill for Germany.
And with tears in my eyes...
...I see that everyone here
has recognized...
...our right to be, once again,
a strong nation.
With my hand on my heart,
I declare...
...that Germany needs peace...
...and desires only peace.
Peace with England...
...and peace with France.