Ladies and gentlemen...
...the United States doesn't want war
any more than you do.
On the other hand, neither do we
want peace at any price...
...because some prices,
you may find...
...are too outrageously high to pay.
But let's not get into that now.
We may have to soon enough.
For the moment, let us raise
our glasses to Lord Darlington...
...in gratitude for his
magnificent hospitality.
Lord Darlington is a classic
English gentleman of the old school.
Decent and honorable and well-meaning.
So are all of you. All decent,
honorable and well-meaning gentlemen.
It's a pleasure and a privilege
to visit with you here.
...now, excuse me, I must say this...
...you are, all of you, amateurs.
And international affairs should
never be run by gentlemen amateurs.
Do you have any idea of what sort
of a place the world is becoming?
The days when you could act
out of noble instincts are over.
Europe has become the arena of
Realpolitik, the politics of reality.
If you like, real politics.
What you need is not gentlemen
politicians, but real ones.
You need professionals,
or you're headed for disaster.
So I propose a toast, gentlemen...
...to the professionals.