When I was small,
I kept tropical fish in a tank.
I harboured quite a passion for them.
I'll have another drop of that,
if you don't mind.
You all right?
I'm perfectly all right.
Not feeling unwell?
No, sir. A little tired, perhaps.
What a beautiful example of German
culture you've brought to this house.
Very nice.
I hope there's no hard feelings.
Oh, my dear good chap.
I like a good, clean fight.
Giving as good as one gets, what?
I have the greatest respect
for the English. I love it here.
My family brought us here as kids,
so I feel at home.
Anyway, thank you.
Excuse me.
You all right?
Yes, perfect, my lord.
You coming down
with a cold or something?
It's been a long day.
It's been a hard day for both of us.
Well done.
My condolences.
It was a stroke. A severe stroke.
He wouldn't have suffered much pain.
Thank you for telling me.