Is that so, indeed?
In an unofficial capacity.
-He knows Mr. Churchill.
-And Mr. Eden.
Yes, well, it was my good fortune
to have consorted...
...with many men of influence
from Europe and from America.
Mr. Taylor...
...l really feel I ought to retire now
because I'm feeling rather tired.
No wonder, sir.
Running out of petrol...
...then having to hear Smith's
political opinions.
Just step this way, sir.
I'm going to Stanbury in the
morning. I'll give you a lift...
...and we could pick up
a can of petrol on the way.
-I'd hate to inconvenience you.
-Not at all. Would 7:30 suit you?
You'll enjoy talking to Dr. Carlisle.
Watch this step.
Excuse Harry Smith.
He will go on about his politics.
I don't mean he's not right.
Democracy is why we fought Hitler, and
we lost a few lads in this village...
...including our son here.
I'll get you a blanket.
I've left a razor and soap
on the basin.
Listen to the opinions
of your man in the street.
They're perfectly entitled
to give an opinion...
...on politics or whatever questions--
They've got no qualifications!
Of course they have!