May I have my bill, please?
I'm very sorry.
I know you remember Darlington Hall
in its best days...
...and that's how His Lordship
deserves to be remembered.
But perhaps the good days are back,
now that Mr. Lewis is here...
...and Mrs. Lewis is arriving shortly.
Very fortunate to have you
running the house.
We still have problems, Miss Kenton.
I'm sorry. Mrs. Benn.
-We still have staff problems.
-You mentioned it in your letter.
Frankly, I've been thinking
of going back in service.
But now the situation
has changed for me.
If I take up any work,
it will have to be...
...here in the west country...
...because Catherine, our daughter,
is expecting a baby.
So I would like to be near her.
Of course.
And to be near our grandchild
as he grows up.
-Or her, if it's a little girl.
When I left Darlington Hall,
all those years ago...
...l never realized I was really,
truly leaving.
I believe I thought of it
as simply another ruse...
...to annoy you.
It was a shock to come out here
and find myself actually married.
For a long time, I was...
...very unhappy.
But then Catherine was born,
the years went by and one day...
...l realized I loved my husband.
You see, there is no one...
...no one in the world who needs me
as much as he does.