The part they most look forward to.
Is that so?
What do you most look forward to?
Getting back to Darlington Hall,
...and straightening out
our staff problems.
You were always able to do that.
And you had quite a few
to straighten out, as I remember.
Always was work, work
and more work...
...and will continue to be so,
I have no doubt.
Mr. Stevens, don't you wait!
That bus is always late.
Come in out of the wet.
You must take good care of yourself.
-You too, promise me that.
-Oh, yes, I promise.
Do all you can to make these years
happy for yourself and your husband.
We may never meet again, Mrs. Benn.
That is why I am being personal,
if you will forgive me.
Thank you, Mr. Stevens.
Oh, here it comes.
It's on time for once.
Thank you. And thank you
so very much for coming.
It was so very kind of you.
It was so nice to see you.
It was a pleasure to see you again.