
Know what I'd do?
I'd take the deal, then crawfish
and drill that old devil in the ass.

How 'bout you, Juanito?
What would you do?

I already did it.
Very instructive.
- Hmm.
But who is the devil?
I'll be damned.
You may indeed,
if you get lucky.

Would you look
at all those stars?

I mean, you look up and you think,
'God made all of that?

He still remembered to make
a little speck like me.'

Kinda flattering,

Wyatt, do you
believe in God?

- No, come on, really. Do ya?
- Yeah. Maybe.

- Hell, I don't know.
- Well, what d'you think
happens when you die?

Somethin'. Nothin'.
Hell, I don't know.

Well, I read this book,
a book on spiritualism.

Oh, God, here
he goes again.

Said that a lot of people
when they die, they see this light.

- Like in a tunnel.
- Yeah?

- They say it's the light
leadin' you to Heaven.
- Really?

- Well, what about Hell?
They got a sign there, or what?
- Hey, Wyatt, goddammit.

- I'm serious.
- Hey, Morg. Comin'
to the Oriental, Virg?

- Well...
- Not tonight.
