
I'm your brother, for Christ's sake!
God, I don't believe this!

Talk to him, will you?
Or hit him!

Ah, God, don't tell me!
Like you said, Wyatt,
we're brothers.

Gotta back your brother's play.
Just did like I figured you would.

All right now, you listen
to me, both of ya!

For the first time
in our lives,

we got a chance to stop wandering
and finally be a family.

This is trouble we don't need.
You saw what happened to Fred White.

We know what
we're doin', Wyatt.

Okay, fine. Say you're right,
say you don't get yourself killed.

There's somethin' else.
All those years I worked those
cow towns, I was only ever mixed
up in one shootin', just one.

But a man lost his life,
and I took it.

You don't know how
that feels, Morg.

Believe me, boy,
you don't ever wanna know.

Not ever.
Didn't even make a dent, did I?
All right.
You're both makin' a big mistake.
# What remained of our day
in the sunshine #

- # That brightened
our pathway a while #
- Do you wanna ante?

- Yeah, fine.
- # Come and sit by my side
if you love me #

# Do not hasten
to bid me adieu #

# But remember
the Red River Valley #

# And the girl who has
loved you so true #
