True Romance

Except rocking and rolling,
living fast, dying young...

...and leaving a good-looking corpse.
I watch that hillbilly
and I want to be him so bad.

Elvis looked good.
Hey, I'm no fag.
But Elvis was prettier than most women.

You know? Most women.
You know I always said,
if I had to fuck a guy. I mean had to...

...and my life depended on it...
...l'd fuck Elvis.
I'd fuck Elvis.
Well, when he was alive, not now.
I don't blame you.
So, we'd both fuck Elvis.
It's nice to meet people
with common interests, ain't it?

Well, enough about the King.
How about you?

How about me what?
How about you go to the movies
with me tonight?

What are we gonna see?
A Sonny Chiba triple feature.
The Streetfighter,
Return of the Streetfighter...

...and Sister Streetfighter.
Who's Sonny Chiba?
"Who's Sonny Chiba?"
Well, he is, bar none, the finest actor
working in martial arts movies today.

You want to take me to a kung fu movie?
Three kung fu movies.
I don't think so.
Not really my cup of tea.
All right.
