True Romance

You all right? It's good. You like it?
What kind of music do you like?
Phil Spector. Girl-group stuff like,
He is a Rebel.

What are your turn-ons?
Mickey Rourke, a man who can appreciate
the finer things in life, like sugar.

Elvis' voice, kung fu, pie.
Do you have a fella?
Ask me that one a little bit later.
In a theater full of empty seats,
why did you sit by me?

Because you looked like a nice guy.
So I had to dump my popcorn all over you.
I'll get the check. Where to next?
Can I peek?
Now don't peek. Keep your eyes shut.
All right, I am turning the lights on.
Okay, open them.

Oh, wow!
Wow, what a swell place to work!
Yeah, it's cool. I got the keys...
:10:13 I just come in, you know,
read comics, play music.

You worked here a long time?
Almost four years.
That is a long time.
Yeah, but it's not so bad.
I'm pretty friendly
with most of the customers.

So I just hang out, bullshit,
read comic books.

You get paid a lot?
No, that's where the trouble
comes into paradise.

The boss is a pretty nice guy.
He lets you borrow money
from time to time, if you need it.

You want to see what
Spiderman No. 1 looks like?

You bet.
Just great stories, great characters,
beautiful artwork.

See, in this one, Nick,
he's gotten this ring here...

...for his sweetheart and he wears it
around his neck on a chain.

And later on in the story,
he gets in this fight with this Nazi bastard.
