In this scene, you're both in a car,
and Bill Shatner's hanging on the hood.
What you want to do is get him off.
All right, I'm Marty.
I'm driving.
"Where the fuck did he come from?"
"l don't know,
he just appeared like magic."
"Well, don't just sit there, shoot him!"
"Get him!"
Thank you, Mr. Richie.
I'm very impressed.
You're a very fine actor.
Thank you.
Thank you.
We'll let you know.
-Okay, one-handed.
-One hand.
Good, try on the other one there.
Here comes the train.
Well, they found nothing.
In fact, they think it's drug related.
Drug related? Why drug related?
Well, apparently Drexl had his
big toe stuck in that shit.
Drexl had an association
with a fellow named Blue Lou Boyle.
-Name mean anything to you?
If you don't hang around his circle,
it shouldn't.
Who is he?
Gangster, drug dealer.
You don't want him on your ass.
Now look, Clarence, the more I hear
about this Drexl fucker...
...the more I think you did the right thing.
This guy was not just some wild flake.
That's what I was trying to tell you before.
The guy was like a mad dog.
So, the cops, they don't think....
They're not after us?
No. Until they hear something better.
They will just assume Drexl
had a falling out with Blue Lou.
And once you leave town,
I wouldn't even worry about it.
Thanks, thanks a lot, Daddy.
You really came through for me.
I got some money I could give you.
No, keep it. Keep it.
Well now, son.