True Romance

Well, apparently...
...that dirty whore found out
we were going to do some business...

...because your son, the cowboy and
his flame, came into the room blazing...

...and didn't stop, until they were
pretty sure everybody was dead.

What are you talking about?
I'm talking about a massacre.
They snatched my narcotics.

Hightailed it out of there.
Would have got away with it.

But your son, fuckhead that he is...
...left his driver's license
in the dead guy's hand.

You know.
I don't believe you.
That's of minor importance.
What's of major fucking importance
is that I believe you.

Where did they go?
On their honeymoon.
I'm getting angry asking the same question
a second time.

Where did they go?
They didn't tell me.
Now wait a minute and listen to me.

I haven't seen Clarence in three years.
He shows up yesterday...
...with a young girl,
saying that he got married.

He asked for some quick cash...
:49:16 go on a honeymoon.
He asked me if he could borrow $500.

I felt like helping him.
So, I wrote him out a check.
We went to breakfast in the morning.

And that's the last I saw of him...
:49:32 help me God.
They never thought to tell me
where they were going.

And I never thought to ask.
