True Romance


This guy is packing.
Well, I mean, I've been pretty
scared about this whole thing.

I'm fairly confident you're here
to do business, so look.

I don't want to be a wise guy.
If you want, I'll lay my gun on the table.
It's up to you.

No, I don't think that's necessary.
Boris, be nice.
Make everybody some coffee. Okay?

-A pleasure to meet you.
-Nice to meet you, too.

Honey, sit down. Relax, relax.
Elliot, you look like shit.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I mean, it's completely disgusting.
If I could get a quick signature,
it would be great.

Whatever Bonnie wants.
Like my dailies, there, Clar?
Is that what these are?
-You like them?
-They're great.

They better be, they cost me enough.
What did that day cost me?
Elliot, I swear to God,
somebody is stealing from me.

What's this one called, anyway?
It's a sequel to Body Bag.
We don't have a title yet,
but what does Joe like?

Body Bags Two.
Oh. That's imaginative.
I've got more taste in my penis.
This guy is really fucking funny.
Most of these movies that win a lot
of Oscars, I can't stand them.

They're safe, geriatric,
coffee-table dog shit, you know?

We park our cars in the same garage.
It's all right.
All they make are unwatchable
movies from unreadable books.

Mad Max, that's a movie.
The Good The Bad And The Ugly...
...Rio Bravo, those are movies.
And Coming Home in a Body Bag,
that was a movie.

It was the only movie that won
Oscars with balls...

...l mean, since Deerhunter.
I don't believe you.
What, do you like a little coffee
with your sugar, or what?

Lee, I'm not satisfied until
the spoon stands straight up.

Give me a coffee, will you?
My uncle Roger and my uncle Jerry,
who were in Nam...

...saw Coming Home in a Body Bag.
They said that's
the most accurate Vietnam film...
