Warlock: The Armageddon

Good sermon.
I'll be here in the morning and
so will all our neighbors.

Thanks, Mrs. Wallace.
God bless.

I'm with you... Reverend.
I want you to know that.

Thank you, Buck,
you're a good man.

See ya... tomorrow.
Ted, I have to talk to you.
Kate, I'm sorry you missed
my sermon.

I heard enough.
Why are you doing this?

It's something I should have
done a long time ago.

You're really scared,
aren't you?

This is the one thing that can
send the demon home.

- What the hell is it?
- Son-of-a-bitch.

Ethan must have thought he
was doing right.

He's not a warrior,
he should never have tried.

Tried what?
Make sure the warlock
doesn't open the gateway...

-...then worry about killing him.
- What the hell is it?

This is going to be suicide.
(sirens wailing - horns honking)
Hi. Sorry.
