Our team is better
than your team
Our team is better
than your team
Our team is better
'cause we sing together
Our team is better than
Our team is better
than your team
Let's make it happen, niggers.
Our team is better
'cause we sing together
Our team is better than
- You crazy.
- All right, back the fuck up!
Back the fuck up!
Back the fuck up!
Come on.
Let's just play the game.
Call out the picks.
That was your man.
Go there! Go through!
Go through over there, man.
What's up, Mr. North Carolina?
What's up, baby?
Call time! Time!
Time-out! Time-out!
Hustle up. Hustle up.
Settle down.
Work the clock.
If Montrose gets you blocked up,
gets you stopped,
you give it up real quick.
Okay, guys? Let's do it.
Defense on 3.
Defense on 3.
1... 2... 3... Defense!