I'm here at the North Beach Towers
condo complex in north Miami...
...where Roger Podacter, head of
operations for the Miami Dolphins...
...has apparently committed suicide...
...allegedly leaping to his death
from his 20th-story balcony....
You okay?
I told you. I was in my apartment...
...across the hall.
I heard a scream...
...so I called the manager.
The place was empty, except for the dog.
I opened the balcony door
and looked out...
...splat, bang, pancake time.
Okay, thank you very much.
Hi there, fella.
Have a bad night?
...animals can sense evil.
Who let Dr. Doolittle in?
Lieutenant, he came with Miss Robinson.
This is police business. We'll let you
know if the coroner finds a tick.
Face it--
Forget it. She's right.
...I wouldn't want someone tracing
my steps, pointing out my mistakes.
...you don't think this is an obvious
suicide, Mr. Pet Detective?
I wouldn't say that. There's plenty
of evidence here to support your theory.
Except, of course, for that
spot of blood on the railing.
May I tell you what I think happened?