Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

I can't wait to meet him.
Ray ain't coming home.
But your wife expects him any minute.
She expects him home any minute.
See, the engine's running
but there's nobody behind the wheel.

Eight years ago...
...our son escaped from
Shady Acres Mental Hospital.

And they're still bugging us
to pick up his stuff.

It was all that Dan Marino's fault.
Everyone knows that.

If he'd held the ball laces out,
like he's supposed to...

...Ray wouldn't have missed the kick.
Dan Marino should die
of gonorrhea and rot in hell.

Would you like a cookie, son?
What do you know?
They're little footballs.
Laces out.
When Ray gets back and starts
kicking again...

...he'll never even know he was gone.
I've kept his room
just the way he left it.

Oh, boy!
What a sports nut, huh?
May I?
Oh, yes, by all means.
Five seconds to go here
in Super Bowl 17.

Dolphins trailing the 49ers...
:49:52 one. This will
win the game for Miami.

There's the snap.
Marino holds.
The kick...
