- Come on.
- Please.
Hey, it's true. l'm making
really good contacts. l am.
When they hear this song they'll go apeshit.
lt's just gonna take time. What's the big deal?
The ''big deal'' is that l'm doing the bullshit
work and you're living the rock'n'roll life.
- l wanna live the life, too.
- l'm doing this for us.
Come on, babe. You know that
once l make it you got a free ride.
l'm gonna treat you like gold.
Chazz, it's been months.
Maybe you should get ajob.
This is my job. l am trying managers, record
executives, club owners. That's hard work.
You get to sit in a nice office all day
smoking and drinking coffee.
- Oh!
- This is bullshit!
- Oh, my snout.
- You bastard!
l hate you. You are nobody
and you are never gonna be anybody.
You're treating me like l'm a goober
after l wrote this song for you?
You wrote that song before you even met me.
- So?
- So you get out!
Get out now! Get lost!
- OK, OK, OK, OK. Kayla!
- Go!
- Keep going!
- Kayla!
You poser!
l always knew you were a loser!
Everyone warned me!
l hate your music! l always have!
She booted you out again, huh?
What a bitch.
l mean, that that happened.
Hey, she's gonna be jealous
in six months from now
when we're on the cover
of Rip magazine lookin' cool.
- Shut up.
- l'm just sayin'.
- Rex.
- What?
l told you to stock the end caps
and mop the employee lounge.
- Too late. l'm outta here.
- l'll tell Covington.
Oh, be quiet.
Hey, Chazz, what's up?