Hello. Police.
l'll tell you what, Mr Programme-Director
Man, you put our goddamn tape on the air.
lt's gonna get some airplay or
my man's gonna gank you here and now!
- Shit, yeah.
- Well, let's not go ganking anyone.
- Um, if we play the tape, will you go?
- That's all we need, d-cheese.
Play the thing, Milo. Do what he says.
Play it! What are you waiting for?
- Sorry about all this. Enjoy.
- l can't wait.
We can't play this tape.
We're only set up for CDs and cassettes.
We should've brought a cassette.
A cassette makes my background vocal
sound like someone's stepping on my nuts.
- God. Mr Perfectionist.
- Quit necking. All we got was a quarter-inch.
There's gotta be a reel-to-reel.
Find it. lt's a radio station.
Yeah. That's it there.
Milo, didn't l tell you
to knock when you come in?
Just keep quiet and get that
reel-to-reel deck down to the booth.
Telling me to shut up now? A brother can't
talk without the white man slap him down.
Just do it, Marcus!
White man with a gun. Same shit been
happenin' to my people for 425-odd years.
Hey, you like working here, man?
We're down, man. Hendrix was God.
You wanna take a step back?
You're standing on my dick, man!
Yeah, l seen that. Anthrax and Public
Enemy, that was outta control, man.
Together, you know. You catch that one, G?
Don't call me G.
- What do you want me to call you?
- Hey, come on.
All right, that's it.
l can't wait for you to put that gun down,
cos when you do we're gonna throw down.
That's right. We're gonna get serious.
Mano a swine.
Hey, look, just shut
your pie hole and keep working.