
Hey, butterball, l think you're exceeding
the maximum weight limit for that belt.

Wilson, get over here!
l'm sending out a sweep of Sunset Strip for
the girlfriend. l want you there to supervise.

Oh, God. Oh, God.
Oh, God. Oh, God.
- Whoa, look, we got fans.
- l didn't know that many people knew us.

Hey, hold this. Thanks.
- l'm gonna miss Yvonne.
- Let me tell you something.

Don't chitchat with them.
They're not buddies. They're hostages.

l was trying to be nice.
l know, but then every time you tell
somebody to get on the floor

they're gonna be like ''Even me, Pip?
l thought we had something going.''

You gotta scare these people.
Practise. Just try it.

l just feel a little goofy trying
to be a badass with a water pistol.

They don't know that. They think it's real.
Now show me what you got. Come on.

OK. Get over there, please. Thank you.
What are you, a crack baby?
Give me that. l'll show you.

All right.
Hey, you! You shut your mouth,
you bastard,

or l'll stab your eyeballs out
and piss all over your brain!

lt's gonna be a slaughterhouse, with bodies
flying through the air like dolls on fire!

Oh, my God.
- OK?
- OK, all right. Thank you.
