Look, Chazz says you've got a tape.
Hey, check out Barney Fife.
Don't you think you're
out of your league, chunk-style?
Look, l don't wanna have
to bring you boys in on a 148.
That's obstruction.
Now what are you gonna do about that?
So she says to me ''He was only
cleaning the pool filter, Sniggles.''
And l'm thinking to myself ''lt's 7pm, he's
in dungarees and his equipment is bone-dry.''
Pool filter, my ass!
Thing is, she could have left me for
a plastic surgeon, but a lousy pool cleaner?!
Kayla, if you're listening,
l really need that demo tape.
You gotta get it to the station.
Shoo, dog. Oh, shoo!
Now stay.
Uh, 67 copies of Moby-Dick.
- The movie or the book?
- They made a book out of that?