Hold on a second, Brad.
D'you mind? l've got a station to run here.
Yeah, l'm back. lf the cops kill him before
the spot runs, you'll get a complete refund.
Oh! Uh, Brad.
You just hung up on an important man.
D'you find anything in that van? Drugs?
Nah, just some toys and
a bunch of pool-cleaning gear.
Pool-cleaning gear?
Give me that damn phone.
What? A gun!
Affirmative. These cowboys
are more dangerous than l thought.
Work your way up the vent ducts to the roof.
Two of my men will meet you there.
- Yeah, but a gun?
- Mace out.
Can l ask you something?
What's with you guys and these tattoos?
Check it out. l got this barbed wire here.
A gecko. And this one is so cool.
lt's, uh, the Grim Reaper. See?
l'm gonna get some more cash and
probably colour it in or put some chaps on it.
You know, l can understand ''Mom''
or ''l Heart Wanda'', but why the Reaper?
Well, it's like death is stalking me
and it's telling me l better get
off my ass and get this band rolling.
This is for real. l gotta cut a record.
l figure l'm screwed up enough that l could
write a song that'll live on for ever
and then after that it don't matter.
You know?
OK, kiddies, listen up because
this is lan the Shark's final night at KPPX.
Special unscheduled announcement:
effective Monday, this station goes