There's a saying, Milo:
''lf it's too loud, you're too old.''
- Where are you goin'?
- You mind if l take a pee, man?
Good luck.
Don't forget to shake.
What are you doing, you little buttnut?
Milo, Milo, Milo.
- Open the door, Milo.
- Quiet.
l said open the door, Milo.
- What was that?
- l don't know.
- Don't yell at me, Milo.
- You're screwing on a $1,400 leather couch!
You're so rude! You don'tjust
burst in here without knocking.
- lf there is one stain on that couch...
- You'll what?
Fire me? Well, guess what? l quit!
Oh, don't. l don't want you to lose yourjob
over this. Milo, this was my bust.
- A screamfest... Oh, Pip.
- Get your filthy shoes off my furniture!
- Suzzi, you can leave right now.
- No, l can't, because l'm a hostage
and Pip is my...
Pip is my man with a gun.
- And he says l get to stay. Right, Pip?
- Sorry, dude.
Pip, put the monster away.