Akumulator 1

I'm coming.
I'm coming.
Stop that nonsense
and get dressed.

-Am I next?
-No, you're young.

You'll regain your taste
for life, Mikulik couldn't.

I rang him every day,
told him to get out of the house.

-Was he lazy?
-Disappointed, lonely.

His wife and daughter moved out.
He couldn't handle it.

I failed him.
Can we go in?
He's only been dead
a few hours and there's nothing.

A dead person always has
an aura. No energy at all.

-What was the cause of death?
-His heart gave out. Old age.

His heart was O.K.
More like a total loss of energy.

Look at his hand. Like he was
pointing at something.

What if someone
sucked out his energy?
