-How often do you watch TV?
-At home? All the time.
-How often are you at home?
-Almost all the time.
Here's the diagram.
-Ever appeared on TV?
-Once, a vox-pop.
-Understand it?
-Not really.
-Never understood electricity.
We're stumped then.
You've two lifelines.
On one a child,
the other death.
I can't concentrate.
You have a choice to make.
-I don't get it.
-Who does? Where's the TV?
Forget about it.
Remember, it takes pain
to turn a boy into a man.
-Main fuse on!
-Lights on!
Plugging in!
-Get ready.
Three, two, one, now!
Here we go.
We... we... teachers,
now we're paidmore...
But... but... everything...