I missed you but
I only cried under the blankets.
Me too, darling...
those'll make you fat.
-This is Mr Soukup - my mother.
-Pleased to meet you.
-This is Anicka, my daughter.
-Hi. Want a sweet?
-No thanks.
Let's go.
It's a bit stuffy in here.
You said you didn't have
any children.
Yes, but I lied.
It's so beautiful!
And I haven't seen
another soul all day!
-Only nature.
-Everyone likes it here.
Welcome to the world before man.
What about the ozone layer?
Lavatory? Here you
can go anywhere.
In Australia they even use
these for their sheep.
Well I never...
Come see the sitting room.
It's good that people
still live like this.