I gotta go
change the record.
- Put on "Band Of Gold. "
- Yeah, that sounds good.
My mother left
when I was three.
I didn't know much about her except
she was an Italian from Texas...
that Pop met when he was
in the army down there.
She's what my Aunt Vicky
called a "free spirit. "
I knew she was livin'
back in Texas somewhere...
but no one ever talked about her,
least of all my pop.
Every year we signed a Christmas card
and mailed it down to her sister...
but that's as close
as I ever got.
- Hey!
- Who's this?
- No one. Give it back!
- Is it your mother?
My mother told me she used to dance
half naked in the snow.
She's a free spirit.
Back off!
**All that's left
is a band of gold **
**All that's left
of the dreams I hold **
**Is the band of gold
and the memories **
Teen, what do you think
it'll be like when we grow up?
First, we'll find two
brothers and get married!
Twins! So neither of us
gets someone cuter.
Right! Then we'll get pregnant
at exactly the same time.
Yeah! Then our chests
will get bigger.
Angie, you don't have to
wait 'til you're pregnant.
All you do is talk to it.
- What do you say?
- I don't know.
Grow! I guess.
- Grow.
- Grow.
- Grow.
- Grow. Grow.
- Grow. Grow. Grow.
- Grow. Grow. Grow.
- Hurry up, Angie.
- I'm hurrying, Tina.
**Release me **
**Release me **
**Release me **
**Release me **