Don't ask me what Pop sees in her.
It's funny. She ain't Italian,
but she keeps wishin'she was.
Oh, I gotta check
my sauce!
- How you feelin'?
- You want the truth
or what I tell everybody?
- The truth.
- I feel fantastic!
[Pop] Vinnie, I'm having some trouble
with the sinks at the store.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
- I'll come by tomorrow.
I'll take a look.
- Good.
Pop, when are you gonna get rid of
those sinks, buy some new ones?
- What are you talking about?
Those sinks are perfectly good.
- They're prehistoric!
- God forbid you should make a change.
- Here you are!
Angie, would you like some?
I got plenty.
No, thanks, I've been
a little nauseous all day.
You never take care of yourself.
You're always waitin' for
somebody else to do it for you.
- What's that mean?
- It means you were raised
like a little princess.
Hey, news flash! I was not raised
like a little princess.
All right, all right.!
Let's have a little peace tonight.
- [Kathy] So, how is it?
- Um, delicious.
- It's fantastic.
- Yeah?
Got any cheese?
[Angie] I have one memory of my mother
to go with my one photograph.
[Voices Speaking Italian]
[Angie] I'm three years old
and my relatives are over.
Aunt Violetta
who can make a rock cry...
Great Aunt Louisa who's been
in mourning since 1956...
and my crazy Aunt Vicky who has her big
puppet head pushed so close to me...
I can see the cracks
in her tongue.
- She's asking me...
- What are you gonna do with your life?