[Phone Ringing]
- Hello?
- Hey, Noel, it's Angie.
Listen, I got somethin'
I gotta tell ya.
Yeah? I got something to tell you too.
No bullshit, two bells.
Me first. My bell's louder.
My bell's Big Ben.
- You sittin'?
- Sure.
Maybe that's not enough.
Maybe you better, like, get into bed.
- What is it?
- I'm pregnant.
It's not yours.
It's from before I met you.
So, are we still on for dinner
on Friday?
You're okay, Noel.
Whoever you are.
What'd you have
to tell me?
You're not gonna believe this, but,
uh, I'm pregnant too, and it is yours.
How's that
for coincidences?
Excuse me.
What's his problem?
- Where are we?
- Right over here.
Thank God we're on the aisle.
I gotta pee every five minutes.
Quit whinin'
about your broken water!
I've had these tickets for six months
and we're not leaving now!
I'll be fine.