If I had this,
I wouldn't be in labor.
- Give it to me. I need it!
- It's mine now!
Hey, you ready?
I got the kids waitin' in the car.
What the hell
is so funny?
- Nothing. We were just talkin'
about Tina's old boyfriend.
- He was so plastic!
Finish it on the phone, will ya?
It's all you do anyway.
Fuckin' $100 phone bills. And those
calls ain't mine, you know that, Teen.
- Why not? You're the only
one who's home all day.
- That's real nice. That's...
What the hell is this?
Well, well, well!
- You girls havin' a little
afternoon delight, huh?
- Yeah.
When did you pull this out
of mothballs?
When she realized at least
that thing made noise in bed.
She only got this in the first place
because I wouldn't fuck her.
Jerry, if I was her, I wouldn't fuck you
with a rented vagina.
You got some mouth.
No wonder Vinnie dumped you.
What the fuck is this?
A body block from Petunia Pig?
- I can't tell. Which one
of you two is pregnant?
- Shut up and let's go.
Don't tell me
to shut up.
You just can't take I'm the only one
who tells you the truth, Teen.
- You're a real saint.
- If it wasn't for me makin'
fun, she'd weigh 500 pounds.
- She looks great.
- Oh, yeah?
- Come here. What size is this?
- Come on.
- Cut it out!
- Tell me what size it is!
Eighteen? Eighteen, huh?
- That's not a size, it's a voting age.
- Get out of my fucking house!
Ooh! What a pair of ladies
we got here.
Little Miss Toilet Mouth
and Orchid, the Killer Whale.
Let's just go, okay?
I'm sorry, Angie.
What are you sorry for?
Don't you apologize for me!
- Get your fuckin' hands off her!
- I know the two of you are get up to!
Talk about what a fuckin' loser
I am! How I can't find a fuckin'job!
Well, your kid's
gonna be a bastard!
And who the hell do you think's gonna
put up with you except a loser like me?
Dad, leave her alone.
I told you guys
to stay in the car!
Okay, go, go, go.
- You fuckhead!
- Yeah, tell it to your gynecologist.