- Keep breathing. Take it easy.
- [Groaning]
Hang in there.
- You're gonna be all right.
- Excuse me, she's having a baby.
Where's Maternity?
- Fifth.
- Five. Fifth floor.
- Oh, I'm having another...
- Gimme the chair.
- Come on. In your nose,
out of your mouth.
- You're okay.
- Thank you. Sit down.
- Got a chair right behind you.
In your nose, out of your mouth.
You gotta breathe.
In... good.
Out... good, Angela.
- Here we go. Here we go.
- In... out.
Tony, she's preregistered.
Check her in, please.
- Name?
- Angie Scaci...
Uh, Scacca... How do
you pronounce Angie's last name?
- Where's Dr. Gould?
- Maybe he's stuck in traffic.
- I hope he gets here soon.
Are you the coach?
- I'm the coach.
Only the coach is allowed on the L.D.R.
Out of the way. Orderly!
- Stay with me. Don't leave me!
- I can't.
He's gonna be there when you get out.
I'm right here.
- Breathe, Angie.
- That's a girl.
- [Groaning]
- You're doing great.
Hold on.
I'm comin'.
- One, two, three.
- Where am I goin'?
[Angie Groaning]
She's gonna be a mother.
- Uh, do you wanna
give this to Angie for me?
- Oh, sure.
[Angie Groaning Loudly]
- Breathe with me.
- Oooh, I'm dying!
- You're not dying. Breathe.
- I can't do it! I gotta go home!
- Yes, you can. You're not breathing.
- Help me, somebody!
- Come on, breathe.
- It's all right, Angie.
- Help me! [Panting]
- Look at me. Look at your friend.
- [Labored Breathing]
- That's a girl.
Sorry, we don't have a Scaccia-whatever
in the computer.