I'm not giving you any more.
500 dollars, that's it.
Are you listening to me?
Don't even think about this, Mother!
I can look if I want to.
- Get out! You cannot pay for this.
Yes I can!
- No you can't, Mother!
We made a deal, 500 dollars.
- I don't know, well...
How are you going to pay for this?
- With your money.
Which is half mine.
- You know what, Mother?
Fuck you! - Hello, Axel Blackmar.
- Fuck you, too!
What a beautiful dress. - I didn't
come here for cheap compliments.
I wasn't complimenting you. Sorry.
Forgive me if I've offended you.
I'm sorry.
- You break, you pay! - No.
Something wrong with it?
Yeah, it's funny.
- Thank you. That's very nice.
Okay, right.
The undercoating looks pretty good.
The suspension is funny.
Look, the right wheel, see?
It's lower than the left. - It is.
It's true.
I didn't mean to insult. I just wanted
to tell you how beautiful you look.
Are you going to sell me a car or not?
- Yes.
Hello, Elaine.
- Hi!
I didn't know you worked here.
- Temporary.
Can you hold on a sec?
I'll be right with you.
Keep the daughter busy.
- No. She's my first customer.
The woman knows my face.
It's better for the sale.
It's better if I do it!
- Don't ever touch my suit.
Do me a favor,
keep the daughter busy.
Elaine, do you want to step outside?
- Sure.
Why's he looking at me like that?
- Oh, he's a kid. He's...
You ever think about suicide?