What do you want me to do?
- No, this is good.
What did you do that for?
I didn't bite him!
Mom! - You didn't have to hit me,
did you? Is my nose bleeding?
Grace, please don't.
Why aren't you looking, Mom?
I'm a failure!
I won't live this way.
- I've been incorrigible.
Mom, you made me do this.
- Stop this!
Fuck yourself!
- Paul! Shut up! ...cowardly lion.
Grace, I'll never say it again.
- No! I promise!
You promise what?
- Never to say "Papua..."
You're so evil, Mother!
It's okay...
I'll fight you standing on one foot,
I'll fight you with my eyes closed!
You know when you're
just about to go to sleep,
or you're just sort of,
you know, falling asleep...
and you think you're really falling,
so you catch yourself?
That ever happen to you? You're
not falling, just falling asleep.
There you go.
When I was a little girl,
I always wanted to fly.
From the top of the house.
At night, I'd close my eyes,
and imagine I was on the roof,
looking down at my parents
in their bed.