They don't do that! Elaine, I was
trying to tell you the other night.
Eskimos believe that,
even though you die,
you're never really
What then?
You're... infinity.
They believe that when
the physical suit of skin dies,
it becomes part of the earth,
but your soul...
keeps going, into other things...
like trees...
or fish or rocks...
or even other people, who actually
are at that point, you.
And if you don't like what you became?
You wait a few years,
and then you turn into something else.
And love works the same way...
So like, if you and I
went down in a plane crash,
that would be okay,
because our souls would keep going.
And we'd love each other
over and over, from place to place,
because it's infinity.
And you want to go there with me?
- Yeah.
We would love each other
over and over, for infinity.
we'll go to the Bering Sea,
we'll be in love, and we'll never die.
Never die. We can leave tomorrow,
or we can leave right now.