- Sit her down.
- Sit down!
We got a real hellcat here!
May take some time breakin' her in.
But it's gonna be a lot of fun doin' it.
This claim of yours seems proper enough,
young lady. Why worry your little head?
Your husband has matters well in hand.
What if my husband is deceased?
- Ma'am, I don't know how to tell you this...
- Tell me what?
Your claim's worthless
without your husband alive.
See for yourself. Second paragraph.
Ma'am, I'm sorry, but it's the law.
- Surely you understand that?
- Yes, I understand that.
I was worthless until I married,
so now I guess I'm worthless as a widow.
Funny, I had some value as a whore.
- Did I shock you?
- No, ma'am, I...
You expect me to cry all over your big desk?
Well, to hell with that!
If your laws don't include me,
they don't apply to me either.
Now, ma'am,
that'll still be six bits for my services.