- I wanna buy a dress.
- What kind of dress did you have in mind?
One of the ready-to-wear kind
like in that Sears catalogue.
I really think a woman like you
would be happier shopping someplace else.
Hyah! Come on!
Morning, ma'am.
Good day, Mr. Landaker.
- I believe you dropped this.
- Why, thank you.
- My pleasure.
- I'm new here.
If it wouldn't be too much trouble,
could you suggest a respectable place
where I might have a meal
and a decent libation?
Now, I just might know of such a place.
How dare you cast such lewd
and salacious aspersions upon my person!
But... that might be interesting.
Eileen! You don't gotta whore yourself
with the first old fart that comes along.
- Silly child!
- Tramps, the both of you!
Huh! Lilly!
Can't you tell I was just trying
to get something passable to eat?
Oh, yeah? And I'm Wyatt Earp.
- Can I have a kiss, Wyatt Earp?
- Don't you pucker up to me, Eileen.