- Yours and whose, darlin'?
- Me and some friends.
- One of us got a homesteader's claim.
- Oregon. I ran there once.
Why didn't I see you at the bank?
I got what I need right here.
Mucha tequila. Muchas bonitas.
Well, Kid's still hungry.
Yeah. Thinks he can make a bigger name
for himself than his old man.
Always did want what I had, didn't he?
Well, look who's here.
We got us some talking to do, Kid.
Let's talk.
See you around, Frank.
Playing with the big guns now, Kid?
- You know I always liked playing with things.
- Mm-hm.
Taking trains too, I see.
Military shipment.
Selling US army guns to Juarez.
It's funny what you can find out when
you're running panocha to the army colonels.
By Friday
I'll be up to my ass in Mexican gold.
- I'll bet you will.
- !Despuês de una pinchi fiesta!
!En julio!
Vete! Vete!
- So what's on your mind?
- You invited me.
Didn't you wanna come?
For the old days.
Remember when we went ridin'
with that bunch down Tucson,
runnin' those guns into Durango?
You remember that?
We had us some times, didn't we?