- Where'd that be?
- Where'd that reward be?
$500. Wired to you when we get her.
My word as a Peckerton detinctive.
$500 is more than I'm used to.
Right. I seen that whore Cody
riding upriver not an hour ago.
Why didn't you do something?
- She's with Kid Jarrett.
- You sure it were Kid Jarrett?
Sure enough. I'd have done something,
but I ain't no Peckerton detinctive.
Hell! Cody Zamora and Kid Jarrett!
Gunpowder heal wound.
It'll be all right. It'll be all right.
- Tucker?
- What do you want, Earl?
Get out here, Tucker.
- What are you doin'?
- Interrogating the prisoner.
You ain't trained for that.
- I'll take over.
- I'm making some real good headway.
Your ranch is waiting on you, boy.